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Saw this article reprinted in Salon today. Third time thru, some more things occurred to me. Marcy Kaptur = a Good Guy for sure. Just ask Tim Snyder. And she’s apparently a real deal Catholic, not Opus Dei or other type of RadTrad. Plus a few other Ds are in the mix. I am thinking these folks are serious Christians and maybe embedded themselves in The Family to keep tabs and influence whenever possible. Looks like that may have paid off re: UKR. They learned to speak the language of culture warring evangelicals and alighted on “religious freedom” as the magic phrase to unlock Johnson’s heart. The zealots seasoned it with the catnip of queer hatred + abortion totalitarianism. That part is disgusting for sure, and bodes ill for the culture agitation to come. But it’s an easy call to scramble some eggs and give them a prayer breakfast vs. watching Putin roll thru the entire country.

Also makes me think Evanjellies are in such rapid decline here in the U.S., they see E Europe, Africa, etc. as their big mission fields. They are losing power here which is great news. I do not see them winning a lot of Ukrainian hearts & minds with queer hatred and restricting women’s rights. But they will try, and they’re sure to become as annoying and controlling as they always are - that’s the brand. But again: that’s a First World/ Democracy problem, not the stuff of existential threat, WWII style.

However this sausage got made, I’m so relieved that it’s done. I’m visualizing the ammo & materiel being loaded on planes and ships at this very moment. Slava Ukraini!

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