participating and supporting the event and the office of faith-based whatever in the White House. We're supposed to be a secular Nation. But both parties are complicit. And before anybody says the obvious, I'm in my seventies and have always held my nose and voted for the Reagan Democrat corporate loving candidates that the DNC has given us.
The White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
I'm 64, and like you, I have been plugging my nose and voting for the Corporate Democrats (a.k.a. Moderate Democrats, Establishment Democrats, Traitors to the Working Class Democrats) for a long time. If you don't mind, I will add your label to my list: "Reagan Democrats." I will be calling my Corporate Dem senator, Amy Klobuchar, and demanding that she disassociate herself from The Foundation. (The article got it wrong, she's not a South Dakota senator, she's a Minnesota senator.) In fact, I will be calling all of my representatives and senators (state and national) to demand this. Will it work? Probably not, but I've done my part. TIP: Input all your senators and representatives to your phone's contact list; that way, it takes less than 2 minutes to call each and leave a brief message. According to staff members I worked with on two political campaigns, our representatives and senators pay attention to phone calls and letters/emails.
I didn't leave out Reagan in my thoughts but since you brought him up I thank you. Cuz it allows me to post something I've been posting for decades.
Part 1
"Ronald Reagan represents all of the worst elements of the American political experience of the last 50 years. All of them. He was, and always will be, nothing but a steaming hot pile of filthy hyena puke.
Intellectually, Reagan gave chimpy a run for his money. He was vacuous. He was shallow. He was incurious. He was a puppet and a door stop for a group of sick ideologues who really ran the country. He was a shitty actor and foolish tool.
Ideologically, he was a hater and an imperialist and far-right loony-tune. He hated the poor. He hated gays. He hated leftists. He hated communists - and he was pretty sure you were one if you disagreed with him. He hated and he hated and he hated. Just ask his own kids. He hated them and himself and his ex-wife. Ronald Reagan was a twisted unrepentant closed-minded shit-bag hate monger. And that's just for starters.
The foreign policy of Ronald Reagan did more to impoverish and kill the poor and helpless humans of the world than any world leader before or since - with the possible exception of our current chimpking. Reagan just didn't give a shit. He was going to defeat communism (which was already falling of it's own weight) and he didn't care how many children were burned alive or how many people starved to death on the way. Let em die. Reagan was a fucking asshole.
On Reagan's watch the military budget of the U.S. grew to the proportions of a heaping pile of 10,000 week-old dead and bloated Blue Whales. And it stunk just as bad. The practice of rewarding incompetent cronies with gigantic useless contracts for unneeded military hardware was elevated to art form under Reagan. Reagan's legendary megalomania, hubris and abject ignorance led him to believe the tales of any crackpot who managed to slither past the goons who comprised his inner circle. Star-wars missiles, atomic shields, space-age death rays. You name it - that dumb piece of shit would fall for it - and blow billions of your tax dollars on it.
And on the domestic front - holy shit the domestic front. Ronald Reagan was a force for the rampaging evil of anti-human destructiveness. He never met a social program he didn't scorn. He never met an American in need he didn't shit directly upon. His response to the AIDS epidemic is one of the most sickening cold-blooded expressions of pure murderous political evil in the history of the earth. Genghis Khan could only dream of such depravity and indifference to human suffering. There is so much more, but, hell, if you don't already know about this shit, then go read a fucking book or two.
Then there was Iran-Contra - the infamous orgy of unfettered criminality at the heart of the Reagan legacy. Again, look it up. Rogues, liars, crooks, murderers and ignorant heartless scum surrounded Reagan at all times. Ali Babba would've been shamed. But Ronald Reagan was shameless.
Oh, did I mention The War on Drugs and it's ballooning of the prison/criminal industrial complex and the rise of brainless goon-like authoritarianism? Or the destruction of the modern labor movement including the cowardly firing of the Air Traffic Controllers? Or the beginnings of the current trend of packing the Judiciary with corrupt freakish pseudo-fascist stoolies? Or the repugnant rapes of Lebanon and Grenada? Or the dim-witted goofball junk science that came to known as "Reaganomics?" Or grant rigging at the Department of Housing and Urban Development? Or James Watt and the whole-hearted attempt to destroy the earth and all it's inhabitants at the expense of greed mongers and corporate whores? Or the largest white collar theft in the history of planet Earth - the Savings and Loan Bailout? And on and on and on and on.
I really don't have time for this shit. So let me conclude,
Ronald Reagan will forever be remembered as one of the most idiotic, vile, worthless leaders of any any nation in any era. He presently occupies a special place in Hell beside Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. And I promise you, they all think he's an idiot too. Fuck Ronald Reagan. And then fuck him again."
This all stinks to high heaven...that made up glorious village in the sky.
"Democrats like Coons have justified participating in the event by claiming that prayer is a uniting force."
Nope it's not. Some people may believe in it, but it's usually used by hypocrites, scammers, grifters and not-so-churchy people.
Please correct this error: Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-SD) is a MINNESOTA senator.
Thank you, done.
Sen Mark Pryor D-AR
Sigh. I always mess up the states. Thanks.
It's a common problem, no worries. I got a Xmas card this year with the states AL, AK, AZ crossed out then AR
Well the Democrats have been
participating and supporting the event and the office of faith-based whatever in the White House. We're supposed to be a secular Nation. But both parties are complicit. And before anybody says the obvious, I'm in my seventies and have always held my nose and voted for the Reagan Democrat corporate loving candidates that the DNC has given us.
The White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
I'm 64, and like you, I have been plugging my nose and voting for the Corporate Democrats (a.k.a. Moderate Democrats, Establishment Democrats, Traitors to the Working Class Democrats) for a long time. If you don't mind, I will add your label to my list: "Reagan Democrats." I will be calling my Corporate Dem senator, Amy Klobuchar, and demanding that she disassociate herself from The Foundation. (The article got it wrong, she's not a South Dakota senator, she's a Minnesota senator.) In fact, I will be calling all of my representatives and senators (state and national) to demand this. Will it work? Probably not, but I've done my part. TIP: Input all your senators and representatives to your phone's contact list; that way, it takes less than 2 minutes to call each and leave a brief message. According to staff members I worked with on two political campaigns, our representatives and senators pay attention to phone calls and letters/emails.
Thanks for the catch. Sorry about that. Fixed.
I didn't leave out Reagan in my thoughts but since you brought him up I thank you. Cuz it allows me to post something I've been posting for decades.
Part 1
"Ronald Reagan represents all of the worst elements of the American political experience of the last 50 years. All of them. He was, and always will be, nothing but a steaming hot pile of filthy hyena puke.
Intellectually, Reagan gave chimpy a run for his money. He was vacuous. He was shallow. He was incurious. He was a puppet and a door stop for a group of sick ideologues who really ran the country. He was a shitty actor and foolish tool.
Ideologically, he was a hater and an imperialist and far-right loony-tune. He hated the poor. He hated gays. He hated leftists. He hated communists - and he was pretty sure you were one if you disagreed with him. He hated and he hated and he hated. Just ask his own kids. He hated them and himself and his ex-wife. Ronald Reagan was a twisted unrepentant closed-minded shit-bag hate monger. And that's just for starters.
The foreign policy of Ronald Reagan did more to impoverish and kill the poor and helpless humans of the world than any world leader before or since - with the possible exception of our current chimpking. Reagan just didn't give a shit. He was going to defeat communism (which was already falling of it's own weight) and he didn't care how many children were burned alive or how many people starved to death on the way. Let em die. Reagan was a fucking asshole.
On Reagan's watch the military budget of the U.S. grew to the proportions of a heaping pile of 10,000 week-old dead and bloated Blue Whales. And it stunk just as bad. The practice of rewarding incompetent cronies with gigantic useless contracts for unneeded military hardware was elevated to art form under Reagan. Reagan's legendary megalomania, hubris and abject ignorance led him to believe the tales of any crackpot who managed to slither past the goons who comprised his inner circle. Star-wars missiles, atomic shields, space-age death rays. You name it - that dumb piece of shit would fall for it - and blow billions of your tax dollars on it.
And on the domestic front - holy shit the domestic front. Ronald Reagan was a force for the rampaging evil of anti-human destructiveness. He never met a social program he didn't scorn. He never met an American in need he didn't shit directly upon. His response to the AIDS epidemic is one of the most sickening cold-blooded expressions of pure murderous political evil in the history of the earth. Genghis Khan could only dream of such depravity and indifference to human suffering. There is so much more, but, hell, if you don't already know about this shit, then go read a fucking book or two.
Then there was Iran-Contra - the infamous orgy of unfettered criminality at the heart of the Reagan legacy. Again, look it up. Rogues, liars, crooks, murderers and ignorant heartless scum surrounded Reagan at all times. Ali Babba would've been shamed. But Ronald Reagan was shameless.
Oh, did I mention The War on Drugs and it's ballooning of the prison/criminal industrial complex and the rise of brainless goon-like authoritarianism? Or the destruction of the modern labor movement including the cowardly firing of the Air Traffic Controllers? Or the beginnings of the current trend of packing the Judiciary with corrupt freakish pseudo-fascist stoolies? Or the repugnant rapes of Lebanon and Grenada? Or the dim-witted goofball junk science that came to known as "Reaganomics?" Or grant rigging at the Department of Housing and Urban Development? Or James Watt and the whole-hearted attempt to destroy the earth and all it's inhabitants at the expense of greed mongers and corporate whores? Or the largest white collar theft in the history of planet Earth - the Savings and Loan Bailout? And on and on and on and on.
I really don't have time for this shit. So let me conclude,
Ronald Reagan will forever be remembered as one of the most idiotic, vile, worthless leaders of any any nation in any era. He presently occupies a special place in Hell beside Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. And I promise you, they all think he's an idiot too. Fuck Ronald Reagan. And then fuck him again."
Even a prayer breakfast has to be desecrated with right wing fuckery
That it exists at all is the fuckery.
I recommend for clarity.
Dems support it, Nazis support it etc.
So getting together praying about people being put to death? What on earth? JESUS WEPT
Pro Russia connection
I think Ukraine has complicated that particular dynamic. But we’ll see!
Could the dynamic be the difference between the evangelicals and the charismatics which have seem captured Trump?
Such a cockholster for Putin along with the rogues gallery of traitors. ASTEROID WHERE ARE YOU