Isn’t it interesting that authoritarians always seem to be against the LBGTQ community. I used to work nights with an Ugandan man, and I got a primer on Ugandan politics. Basically, if Musaveni doesn’t like you, you get labeled a terrorist. Speak out against him? Terrorist.

Also, when Trump won, every single African I worked with said “you all can never comment on African politics again unless it’s to commiserate.”

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Ouch. That one stings. Sigh.

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Thanks for the detail. I doubt I'll see anything else written w/o searching .ug sources.

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Thanks for this post. The not surprising thing is that these same Americans are playing an outsized role in Republican politics and this really represents their thoughts behind a fake veneer of respectability.

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Thanks, Henri! I suspect many of the Republicans involved do NOT favor LGBTQ+ death penalties. But they ALSO don't favor telling their Christian allies what to do. Other than to hold prayer breakfasts.

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The murderous hatred of LGBTQ+ human beings by the American hard right wing is well established and now shown yet again.

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